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41 Video Remix

In a time where remixes are everywhere, both in video and audio form, my intent was to remix a song without using any audio or visual components from the original piece. I chose to remix #41 by the Dave Matthews Band because of its flexible meaning yet powerful visuals in the lyrics themselves. I wanted to make the video component by using only existing clips from music videos that the band has already done in an attempt to render a new visual interpretation of the song based on the artist’s previous work and existing perspectives.



The new audio, a song which I had already created, provides a new background to the lyrics and visuals as opposed to their previous context. I chose to remix this video using a song of my own for a few different reasons. Mainly, I wanted to use a continuous song or melody to make the video easier to follow and using an original song of my own would be allow me to do so without having to deal with copyright. With the lyrics on the left hand side changing just as fast as the video on the right, I thought that an audio component that was also changing would take attention away from the other elements, becoming overwhelming. I feel the music provides a nice backdrop to the other components but is also dynamic enough to where it doesn't become stagnant in itself.


The lack of title in the text box is something that is completely intentional. I didn't want the viewer to necessarily know what was being typed until the end of the video unless they were familiar with the lyrics already. I often do this thing that happens in the video: play music and/or watch something while I type my own thoughts. It is something that is a release for me and I even find myself typing lyrics to songs that I particularly like, like the ones from this exact song. So, this typeface was kept as simple and standard as possible, as that is how I type on my Mac. I didn't want to make it any more of a presentation than I had to as I wanted to make it more about the story than anything else. The music and video are just components that help me tell that story.

Sources for the video are included in the video description on the Youtube page

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